Balancing Live Service Games

Balancing live service games is the constant act of making trade-offs. From aiming to increase player satisfaction, innovating and pushing the boundaries of the game to maintaining a sustainable workflow for development teams, with a promise of regular releases there’s an underlying desire for improvement. However, improvements made to a …

Forecasting for mere mortals

I’ve noticed that often the thing preventing someone from forecasting, estimating, or developing a model, has more to do with a gap in knowledge/access to a framework or terminology as opposed to the actual analytical/quantitative skills required. What is forecasting? Forecasting is attempting to predict the future.  We can end …

Reflections on data-driven teams, biases and credibility

As a data/product analyst, your team often relies upon you as an unbiased source of truth and you rely on your credibility to influence through your recommendations. However, as everyone working with data knows, biases are everywhere. There are unknowable answers, the same data can be interpreted in various ways, …

A Game Analyst’s Guide to Dealing With a Crisis (part 2)

Game analyst tools to prevent and solve a crisis How can you as a game analyst help prevent a crisis? As we mentioned in the first part of this series (The Game Analyst Guide to Deal With a Crisis), it’s normal for your game/product to go through some crisis situations …

Estimating the impact of features on monetization (Part 1)

Being able to think and reason about the impact of features on monetization is a useful skill that can help prioritize the backlogs and optimize resources. Previously, we have touched upon data-driven product development in articles like How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy …

Crafting better Games/Products with the ancient lessons from Epic Poems

Going through school in Portugal means spending some time studying the epic poem Os Lusiadas, similar to the time-tested Odyssey or Aeneid. A few days ago it struck me that this ancient art form held many good ideas to help create better games and products. The main areas where Epic …

Balancing Grinding Below the Level Curve in an Open World – MMO Virtual Economy

When we have an open world MMO, it’s crucial to be on top of its virtual game economy. It’s human nature to try to exploit the system, and your players will test the limits that you build for your world. The sigmoid (also known as the logistic function) is an …

Monitoring game economy inflation for product people – Data-Driven Product Management

We all know that inflation in a game economy can cause a lot of problems. Among which: Decreased need to spend money on in-app purchases to obtain game items/currency Increased difficulty for new players to be able to compete with older players Lack of feeling of meaningful progression Overall spender …

How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy (Part 1)

Working on mobile F2P games comes with a myriad of KPIs (key performance indicators). And often the relationships between these factors are more important than the values per se. Being active in this industry will give most people a feeling of these KPI relationships. But for people that, love to …

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