Estimating the impact of features on monetization (Part 1)

Being able to think and reason about the impact of features on monetization is a useful skill that can help prioritize the backlogs and optimize resources. Previously, we have touched upon data-driven product development in articles like How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy …

Optimizing Organic Reach in F2P Mobile game

2020 started with a novel corona virus outbreak in China and a direct consequence of the overall awareness about this topic has increased the organic reach for F2P mobile games like Plague Inc. like this Verge article reports ( In our highly connected world, the impact of news and trends …

Balancing Grinding Below the Level Curve in an Open World – MMO Virtual Economy

When we have an open world MMO, it’s crucial to be on top of its virtual game economy. It’s human nature to try to exploit the system, and your players will test the limits that you build for your world. The sigmoid (also known as the logistic function) is an …

Monitoring game economy inflation for product people – Data-Driven Product Management

We all know that inflation in a game economy can cause a lot of problems. Among which: Decreased need to spend money on in-app purchases to obtain game items/currency Increased difficulty for new players to be able to compete with older players Lack of feeling of meaningful progression Overall spender …

How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy (Part 1)

Working on mobile F2P games comes with a myriad of KPIs (key performance indicators). And often the relationships between these factors are more important than the values per se. Being active in this industry will give most people a feeling of these KPI relationships. But for people that, love to …

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