Balancing Live Service Games

Balancing live service games is the constant act of making trade-offs. From aiming to increase player satisfaction, innovating and pushing the boundaries of the game to maintaining a sustainable workflow for development teams, with a promise of regular releases there’s an underlying desire for improvement. However, improvements made to a …

Tips to Calculate Total Addressable Market for Apps and Games

Whether you are developing an app or a game, calculating Total Addressable Market (TAM, also known as Total Available Market) is necessary to understand how big the opportunity is. The Total Addressable market is the expected size of your audience for your product, and calculating it is more of an …

Reflections on data-driven teams, biases and credibility

As a data/product analyst, your team often relies upon you as an unbiased source of truth and you rely on your credibility to influence through your recommendations. However, as everyone working with data knows, biases are everywhere. There are unknowable answers, the same data can be interpreted in various ways, …

Breaking into the Games Industry as a Game Analyst

Lately, I’ve been receiving some questions from multiple people on LinkedIn and other platforms regarding being a game analyst, or a data analyst or product analyst working in the videogames industry. It’s not farfetched to conclude that videogames gained increased importance in peoples’ lives during 2020. The entertainment industry has …

Where to soft launch a mobile game on a budget

Soft launching (also known as SL, soft-launch), is an important step of product validation. We launch a product for a restricted audience so that we can evaluate the potential of the game or product and improve it. On the one hand, soft-launch is an opportunity to gather metrics on common …

Estimating the impact of features on monetization (Part 1)

Being able to think and reason about the impact of features on monetization is a useful skill that can help prioritize the backlogs and optimize resources. Previously, we have touched upon data-driven product development in articles like How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy …

How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help product development strategy (Part 2)

This article is a good place for anyone interested in product design in this area to understand how monetization, retention, cost of acquisition are interdependent when we set our business goals.

How reasoning about LTV, ARPDAU, and CPIs can help your product development strategy (Part 1)

Working on mobile F2P games comes with a myriad of KPIs (key performance indicators). And often the relationships between these factors are more important than the values per se. Being active in this industry will give most people a feeling of these KPI relationships. But for people that, love to …

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